There’s a common misconception that vision therapy is only for children. Vision therapy can help treat many adult conditions, including amblyopia (lazy eye)strabismus (eyes not working together), and double vision. Because vision therapy for adults is available, almost any motivated person can change their visual performance through hard work and training with a certified developmental optometrist.

Many adults have given up on their amblyopia, strabismus, or other visual conditions, thinking it’s too late to do anything to help. In-office therapy and at-home practice can yield significant results for adults. Vision therapy can help anyone with vision problems—not just kids.

Why Do Adults Need Vision Therapy?

If you grow up with a vision problem, you don’t grow out of it. A child with amblyopia will still have lazy eye years later if left untreated. While children will often avoid tasks made difficult by a vision problem (e.g., reading), adults will compensate. They’ll figure out a way to complete required strenuous visual tasks, even if they’re very difficult. Sitting in front of a computer all day or dealing with paperwork can be stressful and exhausting for adults with vision problems.

There’s no reason for anyone to live with untreated conditions when vision therapy is available for adults. Many people are surprised and excited to learn they can be treated for amblyopia, strabismus, and other conditions as an adult.

How Do I Start Vision Therapy?

If you know or suspect you have a vision condition, meet with a developmental optometrist at a certified vision therapy center to get a consultation. There will be a process before treatment begins to ensure you’re a right fit for the clinic. Adult vision therapy treatment methods will vary by condition:

  • Amblyopia – Vision therapy can help restore binocular vision with exercises and activities over the course of several months. You may also need glasses and eye patching in certain cases.
  • Strabismus – While you might have heard about surgery for strabismus, that’s only a cosmetic solution. Vision therapy helps restore binocular vision and depth perception, along with cosmetic benefits. Vision therapy is a long-lasting non-surgical solution that’s more effective than patching.
  • Double Vision – Double vision can be caused by multiple conditions, including convergence insufficiency, head trauma, or strabismus. The treatment process includes daily visual activities and weekly visits with a vision therapist.

As difficult as it may be to make the first step toward vision therapy as an adult, there are significant benefits to treatment. Don’t live with an energy-draining vision condition—seek help from a developmental optometrist. Many adults have successfully made changes in their lives with the help of vision therapy.

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