Dr. Larson and the OCVT staff believe better vision and better learning promotes better living. For that reason, OCVT stays heavily involved in our community and selects initiatives that promote social and citizenship responsibilities aligning closely with OCVT beliefs and values. Dr. Larson and the staff of OCVT give careful consideration to their community outreach efforts.

One program close to the hearts of Dr. Larson and the OCVT team is InfantSEE. InfantSEE, a public health program, managed by Optometry Cares -The AOA Foundation, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care become an essential part of a child’s well-care routine.

“InfantSEE is an exceptional community outreach initiative for Texas optometrists and is a distinction for our profession,” says Dr. Larson. “The program lends the opportunity for us to stand at the forefront of early detection, intervention, and education of vision and eye health concerns.”

Under this program, participating Doctors of Optometry provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment for children through 12 months of age free of charge regardless of family income or access to insurance coverage. This year, the InfantSEE celebrates 15 years of changing lives.

The Texas Optometric Association (TOA), in conjunction with the American Optometric Association (AOA), has designated Dr. Larson as the Austin area spokesperson for children’s vision issues and the InfantSEE Program. OCVT’s participation in this program means that we offer no-cost comprehensive vision and eye health examinations for infants through 12 months of age. These exams can provide early detection and intervention for visual conditions that can impact overall health, development and function now and later in life. This can include the detection and treatment of lazy eye, eye turns, prescriptions for glasses, eye tracking, focusing or teaming issues, and eye health diseases or concerns. You can call our clinic or send in an appointment request if you wish to schedule your no-cost InfantSEE appointment today.

Learn more about this great cause here: https://infantsee.org/

Below are a few examples of other great OCVT Initiatives:

OCVT Vision and Learning Grant

The purpose of the grant is to help improve the reading and learning skills of deserving Greater Austin and San Antonio Area students who have learning-related vision problems contributing to their reading and learning difficulties. Schools are invited to submit their grant candidates to OCVT on an annual basis. The grant is for students from families who cannot afford to pay for a vision therapy treatment program. OCVT’s Grant is in the form of services provided. OCVT provides eye exams, evaluations and vision therapy treatments to grant recipients at no cost. To date, the total value of services provided by the grants exceeds $375,000. CLICK HERE for more information and our application!

Special Needs Advocacy

Dr. Larson concentrated her post-doctorate research on the optometric management of children with Autism and ADHD. She meets and speaks with parents, teachers and other special needs support groups about vision system deficiencies affecting children with special needs. Most recently, Dr. Larson donated and conducted a full day educational seminar for the Down Syndrome Association of South Texas in Hallettsville, Texas.

Our doctors and vision therapists treat vision problems in both children and adults with special needs. This includes individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, Fragile X Syndrome, and hearing and visual impairments, including dyslexia and learning problems. Medical research indicates that individuals with these conditions have a higher incidence of the following vision conditions:

  • High Refractive Error (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism)
  • Learning-related vision problems
  • Eye Tracking, Teaming and Focusing Deficiencies
  • Eye Turns and Lazy Eyes
  • Internal and External Eye Health Problems

To learn more about how OCVT provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive care for individuals requiring special attention, click here: https://ocvt.info/services/vision-care-optometry-special-needs/

Advocacy for Community Volunteerism

Each quarter OCVT team members select an Austin area Philanthropy effort and actively participate. Past organizations include Ronald McDonald House Charities, Capital Area Food Bank, Texas Advocacy Project – Backpacks for Hope, A Million Thanks – Thanksgiving letters to our Troops, and Coats for Kids. CLICK HERE to suggest an organization for OCVT to consider in the future!

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