August is Vision and Learning Month, which means it’s time to take a good look at your visual skills. President Bill Clinton created Vision and Learning Month in 1995 to educate the public about undiagnosed and misdiagnosed vision problems, helping to alleviate the struggles associated with poor vision in the classroom, at work, and in everyday life. OCVT is proud to help patients correctly identify vision problems and create customized treatment plans that allow them to approach life with confidence and clarity.
More than 20/20
Vision and Learning Month informs parents and educators about common misconceptions associated with “healthy” vision. For example, many mistake 20/20 eye sight for perfect vision, which isn’t always the case. Your child can still pass a standard vision screening test at school without all the visual skills necessary for up-close tasks because these exams only test for visual acuity (sharpness of vision). In reality, vision involves over 20 visual abilities that standard eye exams don’t test for comprehensively.
Undiagnosed Vision Problems in Children
It’s estimated that one in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem, and many children go through school with compromised visual skills. Vision problems can lead to other problems in the classroom, like trouble focusing and performing up-close tasks. In many cases, a child won’t report their symptoms, thinking everyone else sees just like them, which could lead parents and educators to believe the child has ADD/ADHD or another learning disability instead.
If you’re a teacher or parent, watch out for certain behaviors to help diagnose vision problems early on. Your child may skip or reread lines, have poor reading comprehension, take a long time to finish homework, reverse letters when reading, or experience frequent headaches and eye strain—all clues that your child is living with a vision problem.
Now that a new academic year is beginning, it’s important to address your child’s visual-learning skills before they’re assigned schoolwork that requires up-close reading and writing. One of the best ways to ensure our child’s success in school is to make sure they have strong visual-learning skills.
What Is Vision Therapy?
Vision therapy addresses a wide range of vision conditions affecting both children and adults. It’s more than a series of eye exercises—vision therapy uses prisms, filters, and other specialized tools to help resolve vision impairments caused by traumatic brain injuries, a stroke, learning disabilities, and a variety of other issues. Certified vision therapists work with each patient to create treatment plans tailored to their unique problems and goals.
The Benefits of Vision Therapy
Vision therapy is a viable solution for children and adults, improving performance in the classroom or at work. With guidance from a certified developmental optometrist, a patient can regain their visual strength by reteaching their brain and eyes to work together in harmony. Contact us today to learn more about our vision therapy services and the conditions we treat. If you think you or your loved ones are living with a vision problem, schedule a free consultation with us to learn if our clinic is right for you.