Parents are the experts when it comes to understanding their child’s routines, habits, and behavior. Moms and dads spend ample time with their little ones, investing both time and money into their well-being. If you notice something is wrong with your child’s vision, or has been for a while, consider that poor visual skills may be causing their difficulties inside and outside of the classroom—skills that go far beyond just 20/20 eyesight.

Vision in the Classroom

It’s estimated that our visual system accounts for 80% of what we learn. Schools require most children to absorb information visually, whether through reading or writing or doing math. It’s crucial, then, that your child’s eyesight is efficient enough for long hours in the classroom in front of books, computers, and whiteboards.

Even if your child has 20/20 eyesight, other vision problems may still be at play. Perceptual, eye tracking, teaming, and focusing problems all make it especially difficult for your little one to focus, follow through with projects, and get good grades. If you suspect your child has undetected vision problems, it may be time to ask some basic questions to help you determine the best course of action.

Ask These Vision-Related Questions

Parents and teachers should know the basic signs of potential vision problems in toddlers, school-aged kids, and teens in order to improve everyday function and academic performance. Alongside a more careful study of behavior, asking the following questions will help determine if your child or student is living with a vision problem.

  • Are you having difficulty reading quickly or keeping track of where you are when you read? Do you skip over or misread small words? Do you have trouble understanding what it is you’re reading?
  • Is it difficult for you to pay attention in class and finish assignments on time? Do you make many mistakes in your schoolwork or homework?
  • Do you mix around the order of letters in words or numbers, e.g. “21” for “12”? Do you confuse left and right? Do you have poor spelling, handwriting, and math skills?
  • Is it difficult for you to follow directions, and do you overlook small details? Do you fidget a lot in school? Do you give up easily?
  • Do you confuse similar words, e.g. “for” and “from”? Is it difficult for you to recognize words in the same sentence or next page? Do you move your lips while reading?
  • Do your eyes get sore while reading? Is it difficult for you to copy from the board? Do you move your head close to the paper or screen while reading and writing? Do you get headaches after reading or doing schoolwork?

The following questions will help determine if your child has difficulties with eye tracking, focusing, visual perception, or eye teaming. For a more complete list of visual problems and disorders and the resources set in place to fix them, explore our website’s vision therapy section.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is the next step towards getting your child where they should be in terms of efficient vision, good academic performance, and happiness. At OCVT, learning-related vision problems are addressed through vision therapy sessions with a dedicated and caring vision professional who understands what your child needs to achieve their potential. Call us today at (512) 614-1640 or fill out a form to get started with your complimentary consultation.

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