1. Goal : Enhance the resident’s clinical skills in pediatric optometry, vision therapy, and neuro-optometric rehabilitation.
    1. The resident will efficiently develop diagnosis differentials and diagnosis plans based on history intake.
    2. The resident will appropriately analyze diagnosis and patient needs to determine treatment plans, including optical and disease management components, therapeutic lens and prism application, vision therapy rehabilitation programs, and interdisciplinary management with other professionals.
    3. The resident will be proficient in successful phasic care of individuals with amblyopia and strabismus.
    4. The resident will gain clinical confidence in assessment and treatment of visual conditions in infants, toddlers, and school-aged children.
    5. The resident will gain mastery of skills needed to prescribe initial vision therapy rehabilitation plans and monitor and manage progress throughout the course of the recommended treatment plan.
  2. Goal : Enhance the resident’s assessment and treatment management of individuals with learning-related vision disorders.
    1. The resident will proficiently assess, diagnose, and manage visual-processing disorders.The resident will advance their knowledge and experience of the optometric management of individuals with Dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, and developmental delays.
    2. The resident will learn how to effectively collaborate with parents and educators regarding classroom and testing accommodations including applicable recommendations to educational plans.
    3. The resident will effectively communicate with parents and educators clinical information and the benefits of a visual-learning based treatment program for children with learning-related vision disorders.
    4. Expand the resident’s mode of assessment and treatment management to include a model of vision and learning.
  3. Goal : Expand the resident’s experience and clinical confidence with assessment and optometric management of children with special needs, including children with Autism spectrum disorders.
    Objectives :
    1. The resident will proficiently assess, diagnose and prescribe treatment for children with special needs and address functional aspects of vision enhancement, including prescribing therapeutic lenses and prisms.
    2. The resident will participate and present at seminars to advocacy groups of children with special needs
  4. Goal : Expand the resident’s knowledge in managing patients with neurological insult.
    Objectives :
    1. The resident will proficiently assess, diagnose and prescribe neuro-optometric rehabilitation plans for patients with acquired brain injury that result from trauma, cerebral vascular accident, tumor, and post-surgical complications.
    2. The resident will provide multi-level treatment plans and develop an interdisciplinary care approach to the management of patients with neurological insult.
    3. Enhance the resident’s knowledge and clinical skills in management of low vision patients.
  5. Goal : Develop the resident’s professional acumen and practice management skills in a vision therapy and rehabilitation specialty practice.
    Objectives :
    1. The resident will proficiently prepare initial evaluation reports, progress reports, and referral letters.
    2. The resident will learn and execute diagnostic and procedural billing for vision therapy based services.
    3. The resident will actively participate in internal and external OCVT events.
    4. The resident will receive structured performance reviews and actively engage in goal setting areas of professional growth.
    5. The resident will actively participate in weekly team meetings and vision therapy team meetings.
    6. The resident will be afforded public speaking opportunities internally at OCVT and externally in the community.
    7. The resident will participate in OCVT practice development initiatives.
    8. The resident will be exposed to OCVT operational and strategic methodologies.
    9. The resident will participate in OCVT’s community outreach and philanthropy initiatives.
    10. The resident will engage in short and long term career path planning with OCVT’s leadership team.
  6. Goal : Enhance the resident’s scholarly and didactic activity.
    1. The resident will have assigned related peer-reviewed journal article reviews, discussions and internal presentations.
    2. The resident will have the opportunity and be encouraged to attend annual conferences held by the major national organizations in the related field of vision therapy and rehabilitation.
    3. The resident will be mentored and encouraged to pursue fellowship/s through major national organizations in the related field of vision therapy and neuro-optometric rehabilitation.
    4. The resident will develop and present lectures on related topics and cases to OCVT’s vision therapy team.
    5. The resident will attend lectures presented on related topics and cases by OCVT’s vision therapy team.
    6. The resident will receive support and direction to successfully complete a publishable-quality manuscript.