Vision Therapy for Eye Focusing Problems in Austin & San Antonio, TX
Your eyes utilize an automatic focusing system, adjusting the lens inside to perceive objects clearly at any distance. When you’re trying to view something close, far away, and then close again, your eyes are changing focus at a rapid pace to keep the objects clear in your vision. If you have issues with speed or ease of focus, you may have a visual problem called accommodative dysfunction. This issue can occur in children or adults, and these patients often have problems sustaining prolonged near focus. Rather than an issue with eyesight, accommodative dysfunction is an acquired fatigue issue, producing eye strain and stress.
Vision Therapy can assist in training the brain and eyes to work more effectively together to sustain focus for extended periods of time or shift focus quickly. Additionally, accommodative training can also increase visual stamina and help decrease visual strain caused by reduced focusing abilities. The Optometry Center for Vision Therapy will work with you to develop an individualized therapy plan for you including exercises that can be completed in office, virtually and at home.
What Causes Eye Focusing Problems?
Many people are unaware you must refocus your eyes when looking from one place to another. When your accommodation system is in working order, it operates so well that images always appear in focus. The ciliary muscle in the eye performs this action, causing the lens in the eye to change shape and see images or objects more clearly. When this muscle can’t contract properly or quickly, you have an accommodative dysfunction, which can be caused by:
- Poor general health
- Medication side effects
- Extreme long-sightedness or eye turn
- Near point stress from prolonged near tasks
- Concussion and/or head trauma
- Genetic predisposition
Symptoms of Accommodative Dysfunction
Most commonly, children have accommodative dysfunction, but adults can develop it too, especially if they have a job which requires a lot of stressful near work (e.g., prolonged computer tasks, fine sewing). Common symptoms include:
- Visual stress symptoms like sore and red eyes, blurry vision, headaches or migraines
- Glare while attempting close work, such as reading or working on a computer
- Abnormal posture, including head tilt
- Trouble keeping attention while attempting near vision tasks
Without treatment such as vision therapy, accommodative dysfunction symptoms can worsen over time. Your accommodative issues contribute to symptoms like blurred vision, difficulty reading, and eye fatigue. Get the treatment you need from developmental optometrists and vision therapists at the Optometry Center for Vision Therapy.
Treatment for Eye Focusing Problems
At OCVT, our experienced doctors and vision therapists will work with you to create accommodative dysfunction vision therapy suited to your needs. You may need training spectacles for close work to help focus and alleviate point stress. Vision exercises including eye focus training are also an essential part of vision therapy to build stamina for better focus.
Your therapist will walk you through eye focus training to improve your focusing endurance and strength over time. You’ll become stronger at refocusing your vision more quickly and easily, leading to less fatigue. Schedule a complementary consultation to see one of our COVD board-certified doctors and begin overcoming your accommodative dysfunction. Contact us to book your consultation and start your eye therapy for focusing today.