Visual Processing Deficiencies in Austin & San Antonio, TX
Visual processing is the ability to analyze and perceive graphic information. Without proper visual perception skills, one can’t give objects or images meaning. People with visual processing disorders may have problems differentiating left from right, reverse letters and numbers, and have difficulty remembering what they’ve read. For children, these issues often interfere with their classroom environment and present as learning disorders.
Visual processing therapy is the proper treatment for those with visual perception disorders. At the Optometry Center for Vision Therapy, experienced developmental optometrists and vision therapists assist with visual processing disorder treatment, improving children’s skills in schools and enhancing their visual perception. If a child is struggling with visual perception, individualized vision therapy can help improve handwriting, math, reading, and other essential skills. Most individuals do not “outgrow” a visual processing disorder; they instead compensate to surmount their visual trials.

What are the Signs of a Visual Processing Deficiency?
Teachers and parents should keep their eyes open for markers of visual perception deficiencies in children. If a child exhibits several of these signs of visual processing disorders, consider a treatment evaluation from OCVT:
- Reversal of numbers, letters, and words
- Trouble copying notes from the board
- Organization problems
- Difficulty completing written tasks
- Untidy handwriting
- Responds better to auditory and verbal cues
- Poor retention of visual classroom material
These issues can frustrate children in a learning environment and may cause them to act out in other ways. If one recognizes a visual processing disorder and begins treatment promptly, many children can catch up developmentally and improve their skills in their deficient areas. Although the child won’t be cured, they’ll learn how to work around their deficits and find the right strategies to process visual information.
What Visual Processing Problems Do Children Experience?
There are several key areas visual perception disorders occur in that influence a treatment plan. Developmental optometrists at OCVT will diagnose these issues in patients and develop personalized visual processing therapy for them:
- Directionality — One’s ability to differentiate left from right, including in numbers, letters, and words
- Visual Memory — Recollection of information presented visually
- Visual Form Perception — The capability to distinguish differences and similarities between shapes, numbers, letters, words, and other objects.
- Visual Processing Speed — Competence in processing visual information quickly and accurately
- Visual-motor integration — Hand-eye coordination
Individuals with visual perception disorders struggle with these skills, but vision processing therapy can help them develop alternative approaches for perceiving visual information.
How to Treat Visual Processing Disorder
At the Optometry Center for Vision Therapy, effective visual processing therapy begins with a complimentary consultation. The vision therapists and developmental optometrists will create an individualized treatment plan to advance their vision skills.
Visual perception disorder treatment usually involves intensive one-on-one vision training to help children develop the necessary skills for their classroom environment, improving their reading, math, and concentration skills. At OCVT, we focus on developing visual memory, visual-motor integration, visualization, processing speed, and other key areas in the patient.
The Optometry Center for Vision Therapy is patient-first and stays up to date on the latest treatment options available. Schedule an appointment with a COVD board-certified optometrist today to start visual processing therapy for your child.