FAQ Patients

Special Needs

Research shows that 70% of people with developmental delays also have visual efficiency concerns. This can include anyone with special needs diagnoses from Autism to Down’s syndrome. If visual …

Eye Tracking Deficiencies

Eye tracking is the coordinated precise eye movements crucial for reading efficiency and sports performance. Fixations are tracking skills of sustained and steady gaze required for visual attention and …

Eye Focusing Problems

The ability to change focus rapidly when looking far away, close up, and back again is called accommodation. The accommodation system is responsible for maintaining clear vision at all …


Dyslexia language-based processing disorder can hinder reading, writing, spelling, and sometimes even speaking. Dyslexia is not a sign of poor intelligence or laziness or the result of impaired hearing …

Brain Injury

Studies show that greater than 50% of patients with a neurological impairment, either from traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accidents, etc. experience some sort of visual and/or visual-cognitive disorder. …
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